m (1 révision importée : Milengo Test Upload)
(About This Help)
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
=Aide de Workspace Desktop Edition=
=Workspace Desktop Edition Help=
{{#anc:Workspace Desktop Edition Help}}
'''Genesys Workspace Desktop Edition''' (Workspace) est une application modulaire et personnalisable qui permet de gérer les interactions du centre de contact, de surveiller les indicateurs de performance clés individuels et ceux du centre de contact, et enfin de demander l'avis de vos collègues.
'''Genesys Workspace Desktop Edition''' (Workspace) is a modular, customizable application that enables you to handle contact-center interactions, monitor contact-center and personal KPIs, and consult with your colleagues.
L'aide de Workspace Desktop Edition explique comment effectuer les opérations suivantes :
The Workspace Desktop Edition Help contains information about how to:
* Utiliser les [[Composite_Views_Overview|fenêtres et les vues]] pour gérer les interactions avec la clientèle en fonction de votre rôle au sein du centre de contact.
* Use the [[Composite_Views_Overview|Windows and Views]] to handle customer interactions, according to your role in the contact-center.
* Utiliser les [[Atomic_Views_Overview|composants, fonctions et commandes]] pour effectuer des tâches en fonction de votre rôle au sein du centre de contact.
* Use the [[Atomic_Views_Overview|components, features, and controls]] that enable you to complete tasks, according to your role in the contact-center.
* [[Launching_Interaction_Workspace|Lancer Workspace]].
* [[Launching_Interaction_Workspace|Launch Workspace]].
* [[Keyboard_Navigation_and_Accessibility|Utiliser la navigation à l'aide du clavier et les options d'accessibilité]].
* [[Keyboard_Navigation_and_Accessibility|Use keyboard navigation and accessibility]].
{{#anc:Workspace Help}}
==Workspace Help==
==Aide de Workspace==
Si vous avez déjà reçu une formation ou si vous avez consulté le ''[https://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/IW/8.5.1/User/Welcome Workspace User's Guide]'', vous pouvez utiliser ce document d’aide pour vous rappeler comment utiliser une fonction spécifique. Vous pouvez accéder à ce document d’aide directement dans le menu d’aide de l’application Workspace ou en ajoutant cette URL à vos signets.
If you've already been through training and/or the ''[https://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/IW/8.5.1/User/Welcome Workspace User's Guide]'', you can use this Help document to remind you how to use a specific feature. You can access this Help document directly from the Workspace application Help menu, or by bookmarking this URL.
{{#anc:About This Help}}
===About This Help===
===À propos de cette aide===
Les rubriques suivantes décrivent l’utilisation de certaines des principales fonctionnalités de Workspace Desktop :
The following topics explain some of the main features of Workspace Desktop:
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{{#anc:About Workspace Desktop}}
====About Workspace Desktop====
====À propos de Workspace Desktop====
* [[Composite_Views_Overview|What you can do with Workspace Desktop]]
* [[Composite_Views_Overview|Possibilités offertes par Workspace Desktop]]
* [[Login|How to login to Workspace Desktop]]
* [[Login|Méthode de connexion à Workspace Desktop]]
* [[Main_Window|How you use Workspace Desktop]]
* [[Main_Window|Méthode d’utilisation de Workspace Desktop]]
* [[Atomic_Views_Overview|Detailed Features]]
* [[Atomic_Views_Overview|Détails des fonctionnalités]]
* [[SkypeUsingPlugin|Skype for Business users]]
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{{#anc:Contact Interactions}}
====Contact Interactions====
====Interactions relatives au contact====
* [[Voice_Tasks_Overview|Inbound and outgoing Calls]]
* [[Voice_Tasks_Overview|Appels entrants et sortants]]
* [[Video_Interaction|Video Calls]]
* [[Video_Interaction|Appels vidéo]]
* [[Web_Callback_Interaction|Callbacks]]
* [[Web_Callback_Interaction|Rappels]]
* [[Chat_Tasks_Overview|Inbound Chats]]
* [[Chat_Tasks_Overview|Chats entrants]]
* [[E-Mail_Interaction|Inbound and outgoing email]]
* [[E-Mail_Interaction|E-mails entrants et sortants]]
* [[SMS_Interaction|SMS and MMS]]
* [[SMS_Interaction|SMS et MMS]]
* [[FBixnWindow|Facebook]]
* [[Workitems|Éléments de travail]]
* [[TwIxnWindow|Twitter]]
* [[Outbound_Campaigns_Overview|Campagnes d’appels sortants]]
* [[RSSixnWindow|RSS]]
* [[Reschedule|Planification des rappels]]
* [[Workitems|Workitems]]
* [[Outbound_Campaigns_Overview|Outbound Calling Campaigns]]
* [[Reschedule|Scheduling Callbacks]]
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{{#anc:Call Tasks}}
====Call Tasks====
====Tâches relatives aux appels====
* [[Voice_Consult#Conference|Conference Calls]]
* [[Voice_Consult#Conference|Appels de conférence]]
* [[Voice_Consult#Completing_the_Transfer|Transfer Calls]]
* [[Voice_Consult#Completing_the_Transfer|Transfert d’appels]]
* [[Voice_Consult#Consult|Consultation Calls]]
* [[Voice_Consult#Consult|Consultations téléphoniques]]
* [[Voice_Recording|Recording Calls]]
* [[Voice_Recording|Enregistrement d'appels]]
* [[Internal_Voice_Interaction|Calling inside your organization]]
* [[Internal_Voice_Interaction|Appels à l’intérieur de votre organisation]]
* [[My_Status#Forwarding_Calls|Forward Your Phone]] (see '''My Channels Tab''')
* [[My_Status#Forwarding_Calls|Transfert de votre téléphone]] (voir '''l’onglet Mes canaux''')
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{{#anc:Managing Your Status and Communications}}
====Managing Your Status and Communications====
====Gestion de votre état et des communications====
* [[My_Status|Manage your status]].
* [[My_Status|Gestion de votre état]].
* [[Team_Communicator|Launch new interactions]]
* [[Team_Communicator|Lancement de nouvelles interactions]]
* [[My_Status|Manage your channels]]
* [[My_Status|Gestion de vos canaux]]
* [[My_KPIs|View your statistics]]
* [[My_KPIs|Affichage de vos statistiques]]
* [[KPI_Summary|View contact center statistics]]
* [[KPI_Summary|Affichage des statistiques du centre de contact]]
* [[Internal_IM|Communicating by Instant Message]]
* [[Internal_IM|Communication par message instantané]]
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{{#anc:Managing Contacts}}
====Managing Contacts====
====Gestion des contacts====
* [[Contact_Record|The Contact Directory]]
* [[Contact_Record|Annuaire des contacts]]
* [[Contact_Search|Finding Contacts]]
* [[Contact_Search|Recherche de contacts]]
* [[History|Contact Interaction History]]
* [[History|Historique des interactions de contact]]
* [[Manual_Contact_Assignment|Manual Contact Assignment]]
* [[Manual_Contact_Assignment|Affectation de contact manuelle]]
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{{#anc:Managing Interactions and History}}
====Managing Interactions and History====
====Gestion des interactions et de l’historique====
* [[Workbins|Workbins]]
* [[Workbins|Corbeilles]]
* [[Interaction_Search|Interaction Search]]
* [[Interaction_Search|Recherche d'interaction]]
* [[Call_History|Interaction History]]
* [[Call_History|Historique de l'interaction]]
* [[My_History|My Interaction History]]
* [[My_History|Mon historique d'interactions]]
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{{#anc:Workspace User's Guide}}
==Workspace User's Guide==
==Guide de l'utilisateur de Workspace==
Lisez le ''[[Documentation:IW:User:Welcome|Guide de l’utilisateur de Workspace]]'' pour obtenir un ensemble de leçons détaillées sur l’utilisation de toutes les fonctionnalités de Workspace.
Check out the ''[[Documentation:IW:User:Welcome|Workspace User's Guide]]'' for a complete set of detailed lessons on using all of the different features of Workspace.
Chaque leçon vous guide pas à pas par le biais de chaque interface pour vous montrer comment l’utiliser.
Each lesson walks you step-by-step through every interface to show you how to use it.
{{#anc:Getting Started}}
===Getting Started===
===Mise en route===
Les leçons de ''[[Documentation:IW:User:GettingStarted|mise en route]]'' sont idéales pour commencer.
The ''[[Documentation:IW:User:GettingStarted|Getting Started]]'' lessons are a good place to begin your journey.
* [[Documentation:IW:User:InteractionWorkspaceConcepts|Concepts relatifs à Workspace]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:InteractionWorkspaceConcepts|Workspace Concepts]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:LogIn|Se connecter]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:LogIn|Log In]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:MainWindow|Notions de base sur la fenêtre principale]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:MainWindow|Main Window Basics]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:ManageYourStatus|Gestion de votre état]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:ManageYourStatus|Manage Your Status]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:ForwardYourCalls|Transfert de vos appels]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:ForwardYourCalls|Forward Your Calls]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:FindAContactOrAnInternalTarget|Recherche d’un contact ou d’une cible interne]]
* [[Documentation:IW:User:FindAContactOrAnInternalTarget|Find A Contact Or An Internal Target]]
{{#anc:Workspace Videos}}
==Workspace Videos==
==Vidéos de Workspace==
Voici quelques vidéos didactiques pratiques et utiles à regarder avant d’utiliser Workspace !
Here are a handful of handy tip videos that you might find useful when you are using Workspace!
{{#anc:Using the Interaction Window}}
===Using the Interaction Window===
===Utilisation de la fenêtre d'interaction===
: {{#widget:Vimeo|id=195539408|width=572|height=392}}
: {{#widget:Vimeo|id=195539408|width=572|height=392}}
{{#anc: Using Call Timers}}
=== Using Call Timers===
=== Utilisation des minuteurs d’appel===
: {{#widget:Vimeo|id=154952811|width=572|height=392}}
: {{#widget:Vimeo|id=154952811|width=572|height=392}}
{{#anc:Workspace Web Edition Training Videos}}
===Workspace Web Edition Training Videos===
===Vidéos de formation sur Workspace Web Edition===
Workspace ''Web Edition'' is the browser-based version of Workspace. It does not have all the features and functionality of Workspace ''Desktop Edition''; however, it shares most of the same basic functionality. You might find some of the videos on [[Documentation:GC:Agent:Videos:v852|this page]] useful &mdash; just remember, not all the features you have in Workspace ''Desktop Edition'' are available in Workspace ''Web Edition'', and also that Workspace ''Web Edition'' has a few features that you do not have in Workspace ''Desktop Edition''.
Workspace ''Web Edition'' est la version de Workspace basée sur navigateur. Cette version ne propose pas toutes les caractéristiques et fonctionnalités de Workspace ''Desktop Edition'' ; cependant, elle partage la plupart des fonctionnalités de base. Certaines vidéos disponibles sur [[Documentation:GC:Agent:Videos:v852|cette page]] peuvent vous être utiles, &mdash; mais n’oubliez pas que certaines fonctionnalités de Workspace ''Desktop Edition'' ne sont pas disponibles dans Workspace ''Web Edition''. Par ailleurs, Workspace ''Web Edition'' propose quelques fonctionnalités que vous ne trouverez pas dans Workspace ''Desktop Edition''.
{{#anc:Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)}}
==Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)==
==Questions fréquentes (FAQ)==
{{#anc:How do I change password?}}
===How do I change password?===
===Comment modifier mon mot de passe ?===
* If this is your first time [[Login|logging on]], you might have to change your password. This happens automatically. A message box is displayed that walks you through the steps. If you are not sure about any of the prompts, your administrator or supervisor can provide you with the details.
* Si vous vous [[Login|connectez]] pour la première fois, vous devrez peut-être modifier votre mot de passe. Cela se produit automatiquement. Un message s’affiche et vous indique les étapes de la procédure. En cas de doute sur l'une des invites, votre administrateur ou superviseur peut vous fournir plus d'informations.
* If you need to change your password, send a request to your supervisor requesting a change password email. You supervisor will reset your password, and you will receive a confirmation email. Follow the instructions in the email to change your password.
* Si vous devez modifier votre mot de passe, demandez à votre superviseur de vous faire parvenir un e-mail de modification de mot de passe. Vous superviseur réinitialisera votre mot de passe et vous recevrez un message de confirmation. Suivez les instructions figurant dans l’e-mail pour modifier votre mot de passe.
===What are Skills?===
{{#anc:What are Skills?}}
* Skills are things that you are good at, like product specialization or a language that you speak.
===Que sont les compétences ?===
* When your supervisor sets up your account, she or he assigns skills and skill levels based on what you can do.
* Les compétences sont des domaines dans lesquels vous excellez, comme une spécialisation dans un produit ou une langue que vous parlez.
* Skills are used to direct calls to you. If someone calls about a product that you are specialized on, the call will be directed to you and others with the same skill on that product.
* Lorsque votre superviseur configure votre compte, il définit des compétences et des niveaux suivant votre expertise.
===How can I find my Call Stats?===
* Les appels vous sont alors transmis en fonction de vos compétences. Si une personne appelle au sujet d’un produit que vous maîtrisez bien, l’appel est transmis à vous ou aux autres personnes qui ont le même niveau de compétence sur ce produit.
* Use the [[My_KPIs|My Statistics tab]] to see your call activity, worktime, and other reports.
{{#anc:How can I find my Call Stats?}}
* Use the [[KPI_Summary|Contact Center Statistics tab]] to see the list of statistics about the Routing Points, Queues, and other contact-center objects.
===Comment trouver mes statistiques d’appel ?===
===How do I transfer, conference, or consult on my call?===
* Utilisez l’[[My_KPIs|onglet Mes statistiques]] pour voir votre activité d’appels, votre temps de travail et d’autres rapports.
Workspace lets you start a [[Voice_Consult#Conference|conference]] call with someone in your company, [[Voice_Consult#Completing_the_Transfer|transfer]] your call to another agent or your team lead, or start a [[Voice_Consult#Consult|consultation]] call with another member of your team. The call controls at the top of the voice call interaction toolbar open the [[Team_Communicator|Team Communicator]], a universal lookup tool, that lets you search for and dial other team members. You can also use the Team Communicator to [[Internal_Voice_Interaction|call someone inside your organization]].
* Utilisez l’[[KPI_Summary|onglet Statistiques du centre de contact]] pour afficher la liste de statistiques sur les points de routage, les files d'attente et les autres objets du centre de contact.
{{#anc:How do I transfer, conference, or consult on my call?}}
===Comment transférer un appel, effectuer un appel de conférence ou consulter mon équipe lors d’un appel ?===
Workspace vous permet de démarrer un appel de [[Voice_Consult#Conference|conférence]] avec un collègue, [[Voice_Consult#Completing_the_Transfer|transférer]] votre appel vers un autre agent ou votre chef d’équipe ou débuter un appel de [[Voice_Consult#Consult|consultation]] avec un autre membre de votre équipe. Les commandes d’appel dans la partie supérieure de la barre d’outils d’interaction vocale ouvrent [[Team_Communicator|Team Communicator]], un outil de recherche universel, qui vous permet de rechercher d’autres membres de votre équipe et de composer leur numéro. Vous pouvez également utiliser Team Communicator pour [[Internal_Voice_Interaction|appeler un collègue]].
{{#anc:What kind of calls and interactions does Workspace let me handle?}}
===What kind of calls and interactions does Workspace let me handle?===
===Quel type d’appels et d’interactions Workspace me permet-il de traiter ?===
* The [[Composite_Views_Overview|Functionality Overview]] topic introduces all the different ways that you can use Workspace Desktop to receive or make calls and other interactions, including:
* La rubrique [[Composite_Views_Overview|Présentation des fonctionnalités]] décrit les différentes manières d’utiliser Workspace Desktop pour recevoir ou passer des appels et effectuer d’autres interactions, et notamment :
* incoming and outgoing [[Voice_Tasks_Overview|voice calls]]
* Des [[Voice_Tasks_Overview|appels vocaux]] entrants et sortants
* incoming [[Chat_Tasks_Overview|chat interactions]]
* Des [[Chat_Tasks_Overview|interactions par Chat]] entrantes
* incoming and outgoing [[E-Mail_Interaction|email interactions]]
* Des [[E-Mail_Interaction|interactions par e-mail]] entrantes et sortantes
* [[Outbound_Campaigns_Overview|Outbound Campaign]] calls
* Des [[Outbound_Campaigns_Overview|campagnes d’appels]] sortants
===I'm a Team Lead, what can I do with Workspace?===
{{#anc:I'm a Team Lead, what can I do with Workspace?}}
* Workspace has special features for those of you who are [[Team_Lead|Team Leads and Supervisors]]. You can:
===Je suis chef d’équipe, que puis-je faire avec Workspace ?===
** Monitor calls and chat (silently listen in)
* Workspace propose des fonctionnalités spéciales pour les [[Team_Lead|chefs d’équipe et les superviseurs]]. Vous pouvez :
** Coach calls and chat (whisper coaching)
** Contrôler les appels et le Chat (surveiller discrètement les interactions)
** Barge-in to calls and chat (joining the call)
** Accompagner les appels et le Chat (accompagner par chuchotement)
** [[QA_Review_of_E-Mail|QA emails]]
** Intervenir pendant les appels et le Chat (rejoindre l’appel)
** [[QA_Review_of_E-Mail|AQ et e-mails]]

Version du mai 31, 2017 à 15:00

Workspace Desktop Edition Help

Genesys Workspace Desktop Edition (Workspace) is a modular, customizable application that enables you to handle contact-center interactions, monitor contact-center and personal KPIs, and consult with your colleagues.

The Workspace Desktop Edition Help contains information about how to:

Workspace Help

If you've already been through training and/or the Workspace User's Guide, you can use this Help document to remind you how to use a specific feature. You can access this Help document directly from the Workspace application Help menu, or by bookmarking this URL.

About This Help

The following topics explain some of the main features of Workspace Desktop:

Workspace User's Guide

Check out the Workspace User's Guide for a complete set of detailed lessons on using all of the different features of Workspace.

Each lesson walks you step-by-step through every interface to show you how to use it.

Getting Started

The Getting Started lessons are a good place to begin your journey.

Workspace Videos

Here are a handful of handy tip videos that you might find useful when you are using Workspace!

Using the Interaction Window

Using Call Timers

Workspace Web Edition Training Videos

Workspace Web Edition is the browser-based version of Workspace. It does not have all the features and functionality of Workspace Desktop Edition; however, it shares most of the same basic functionality. You might find some of the videos on this page useful — just remember, not all the features you have in Workspace Desktop Edition are available in Workspace Web Edition, and also that Workspace Web Edition has a few features that you do not have in Workspace Desktop Edition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I change password?

  • If this is your first time logging on, you might have to change your password. This happens automatically. A message box is displayed that walks you through the steps. If you are not sure about any of the prompts, your administrator or supervisor can provide you with the details.
  • If you need to change your password, send a request to your supervisor requesting a change password email. You supervisor will reset your password, and you will receive a confirmation email. Follow the instructions in the email to change your password.

What are Skills?

  • Skills are things that you are good at, like product specialization or a language that you speak.
  • When your supervisor sets up your account, she or he assigns skills and skill levels based on what you can do.
  • Skills are used to direct calls to you. If someone calls about a product that you are specialized on, the call will be directed to you and others with the same skill on that product.

How can I find my Call Stats?

How do I transfer, conference, or consult on my call?

Workspace lets you start a conference call with someone in your company, transfer your call to another agent or your team lead, or start a consultation call with another member of your team. The call controls at the top of the voice call interaction toolbar open the Team Communicator, a universal lookup tool, that lets you search for and dial other team members. You can also use the Team Communicator to call someone inside your organization.

What kind of calls and interactions does Workspace let me handle?

I'm a Team Lead, what can I do with Workspace?

  • Workspace has special features for those of you who are Team Leads and Supervisors. You can:
    • Monitor calls and chat (silently listen in)
    • Coach calls and chat (whisper coaching)
    • Barge-in to calls and chat (joining the call)
    • QA emails
Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!