Révision datée du mai 31, 2017 à 15:00 par Mwest (discussion | contributions) (Replace string operation)

QA Review of E-Mail

Your system administrator defines the review process in your contact center. Agents might be set up for mandatory review or they might have to request review. There are many ways that an administrator might define the routing of reviewed email interactions; for example, email interactions for review might be routed directly to a reviewer, team lead, or supervisor, or they might be routed to a workbin.

You might be configured to review outbound email interactions created by agents that you supervise, lead, or review, for Quality Assurance (QA) purposes. If you are a reviewer, outbound emails are directed to you prior to being sent to a contact.

As a reviewer, you might receive email interactions for review by an interaction preview or you might retrieve outbound email interactions from a workbin.

When an email interaction for review is directed to you, an interaction preview is displayed on your desktop. Click Accept to display the interaction; Click Reject to return the interaction to the queue.

The Interaction Preview window displays the Case Information view. The Origin field specifies the sender of the interaction and indicates that it is for review. You might view and edit the QA Review Status field. It contains attached data that specifies the status of the review. When you first receive it, the status might be Unknown or For Review, depending on how your administrator has configured your system. There might be other information about the priority of the interaction or the business area to which it belongs.

If you accept the email interaction for review, the interaction window is displayed on your desktop. The Case Information view is displayed in the Interaction window. The Origin field specifies the sender of the interaction and indicates that it is for review. The QA Review Status field is editable. It contains attached data that specifies the status of the review. The Party Status area displays the email monitoring icon (link=) to indicate that the agent is under review. The Interim Send button is not available for review email interactions.

You can review the interaction and provide feedback to the agent who originated the outbound email interaction. Depending on the policy at your company, you might provide feedback by directly editing the content of the email interaction, or you might add notes for the agent in the Note view, or you might discuss the content with the agent verbally. In the Review E-mail Interaction window, you can do the following:

  • Update the Review Status in the Case Information view (if you are configured to do so by your administrator)
  • Edit the content of the email interaction
  • Set a Disposition
  • Add text to the Note tab
  • Use other standard E-mail Interaction window functions

If you are configured to set the status of the review, your Send button might contain a drop-down menu that enables you to select an action to occur when the interaction is sent. You can send the message as Approved to the contact, or return it to the agent as Rejected. Your administrator might have configured different "rejection reasons" from which you can choose.

Otherwise, when your review is complete, set the status in the Case Information are to one of the states that are configured by your administrator. For example, the following states might be available:

  • Accepted—The email interaction is sent to the contact when you click Send.
  • Rejected—The email interaction is sent back to the agent or to a workbin that contains reviewed interactions when you click Send.
  • Unknown—The email interaction is sent back to the review queue or to a review workbin when you click Send.

If you specified Rejected, the QA Review Status in the Case Information is updated to Rejected and the interaction is returned to the originating agent.

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