Révision datée du septembre 20, 2016 à 20:35 par Mhachey (discussion | contributions) (Update with the copy of version: draft)

Autogranted Time Off

If your supervisor enables autogranting, your time-off requests are immediately granted and published to the Master Schedule under certain conditions:

  • The feature is enabled. Consult your supervisor.
  • All the requested days come after the specified lead time. The lead time is shown on the balance pane.
  • The time-off request is for more hours than the minimum required for the autogrant feature to apply.
  • Your absence does not exceed time-off limits established by your supervisor.
  • You have accrued enough time-off hours to cover your time-off request.

If the autogrant feature is disabled, your time-off requests are entered in Preferred status and a supervisor must grant your requests before they can be included in your schedule.

Some conditions apply to only full-day or part-day time-off requests:

  • Full-day time-off requests are always auto-published.
  • When a full-day time-off request is recalled, WFM restores a baseline schedule if that is available.
    • If the recalled time off itself is a baseline schedule or if a baseline schedule is not available, then WFM inserts a Day Off if the time off was unpaid.
    • If the recalled time off is paid, then WFM schedules a compatible shift with the same number of paid hours as the recalled time off.
  • A part-day time-off request must occur during the hours of your shift.
  • If a part-day time-off instance overlaps a part-day exception, WFM preempts and removes the exception (if configured.)
  • If a part-day time-off instance overlaps another part-day time off, WFM refuses the request.
  • If the time-off instance that you added has the status Granted, Not Scheduled, WFM will send a notification to your supervisor.
  • When you specify either start/end or paid time in a time-off request, WFM verifies the values against these configured constraints: contract availability, minimum "Earliest Start Time" of all available shifts for the day, maximum "Latest End Time" of all shifts.
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