Products Management
ATP (Agent Text Portal)
AVP (Agent Voice Portal)
AC (AudioCodes)
Best (Best Practices and White Papers)
PSAAS (PureEngage Cloud)
G1 (Business Edition Premise)
BusSol (Business Solutions)
Business (Business)
CC (Call Concentrator)
README (CD Readmes)
CCTI (Cloud CTI)
Composer (Composer)
CS (Context Services)
CM (Conversation Manager)
CIP (Customer Interaction Portal)
CXA (CX Analytics)
CXB (CX Builder)
DES (Designer)
DEZ (Designer Zone)
EGAG (Engage)
ES (eServices)
GA (Genesys Administrator)
AS (Genesys Agent Scripting)
CLBCK (Genesys Callback)
ST (Genesys Care (Support))
IHG (Genesys Cloud - IHG)
GCB (Genesys Co-browse)
Options (Genesys Configuration Options)
GCXI (Genesys Customer Experience Insights)
GD (Genesys Desktop)
GEC (Genesys Expert Contact)
GE (Genesys Express)
GH (Genesys Hub)
GIM (Genesys Info Mart)
CR (Genesys Interaction Recording)
GDP (Genesys Interaction SDK)
GI2 (Genesys Interactive Insights)
GPH (Genesys IP Phone)
MS (Genesys Media Server)
GMS (Genesys Mobile Engagement)
GC (Workspace Web Edition)
GQM (Genesys Quality Management)
GRS (Genesys Rules System)
GSA (Genesys Skills Assessor)
GSM (Genesys Skills Management)
SP (Genesys Softphone)
GS (Genesys Studio)
GTM (Genesys Training Manager)
GV (Genesys Video Gateway)
GVP (Genesys Voice Platform)
GWE (Genesys Web Engagement)
GWC (Genesys Widgets)
GP (Gplus Adapters)
HPE (Hosted Provider Edition)
ISIG (Insight)
IWD (intelligent Workload Dist.)
ICON (Interaction Concentrator)
IV (IVR Interface Option)
KC (Knowledge Center)
Parent: true
GEKM (Knowledge Management)
LRM (License Reporting Manager)
LPA (LivePerson Adapter)
LDS (Load Distribution Server)
FR (Management Framework)
MSFT (Microsoft Docs)
Skype (Multimedia Connector for Skype for Business)
MMM (Mobile Messaging)
OS (Orchestration Server)
OU (Outbound Contact)
OCS (Outbound for Cloud)
PMA (Performance Advisors)
POR (Portico)
PRR (Predictive Routing)
PSDK (Platform SDK)
PEC (Premier Edition Cloud)
Premier (Premier)
EZP (Pulse)
QM (Quality Management)
RN (Release Notes)
RT (Reporting)
STT (Simulator Test Toolkit)
SIPC (SIP Cluster)
SESDK (SIP Endpoint SDK)
SESA (SIP Endpoint SDK for Apple OS)
SESN (SIP Endpoint SDK for .NET)
FS (SIP Feature Server)
SIPS (SIP Server)
GSV (SIP Voicemail)
SPMI (Speech and Text Analytics)
RTME (Stat Server)
SM (Stream Manager)
System (System-Level Guides)
TS (T-Servers)
TXT (Social Analytics)
UCC (UC Connector)
UCS (Universal Contact Server)
UMGR (User Manager)
R (Universal Routing)
VC (Voice Callback)
VG (VoiceGenie)
VTO (Voice Treatment Option)
WRTC (Web Real-Time Communications)
WM (Workforce Management)
IW (Workspace Desktop Edition)
HTCC (Web Services and Applications)
Use {{#product:productShortName|displayName|isolated}} to define a new product.
* displayName, and isolated can be left empty.
* If your product is isolated, set the isolated parameter to true.
* If your product has FAQs enabled, set the isolated parameter to empty and set the faq parameter to true. For example, {{#product:KC|Knowledge Center||true}}
* If your product has Ratings enabled, set the isolated and FAQs parameters to empty and set the Rating parameter to true. For example, {{#product:KC|Knowledge Center|||true}}
* If your product is part of Cloud and should display the Cloud dropdown, set the isolated, FAQs and Rating parameters to empty and set the Cloud parameter to true. For example, {{#product:KC|Knowledge Center||||true}}
* If you leave displayName empty, productShortName will be used in links.
* This product list MUST match the products listed in LocalSettings.php $ponyDocsProductsList.